Mass Schedule
Palm Sunday, April 2
5:30 PM.
Holy Thursday, April 6
5:30 PM
Good Friday, April 7
Noon - 3:00 PM
Holy Saturday, April 8
6:30 am
Easter Sunday, April 9
5:30 PM
Low Sunday, April 16
9:30 am
Confessions 30 minutes before Mass, as time permits
From A Homily by St. Gregory the Pope
Homilia 18 in Evangelia
Let each of you, therefore, think within himself whether this voice of God sounds loudly in the ear of his heart; for thereby will he know whether he is of God. Some there are, whom it pleaseth not to hear the commandments of God, even with their bodily ears. And some there are, who receive those words with their bodily ears, but whose heart is far from them. And some also there are, who hear the words of God with joy, so that they are moved thereby even to tears. But when their fit of weeping is past they turn again to iniquity. They who despise to do the words of God certainly cannot be said to hear them. Wherefore, dearly beloved brethren, call up your own life before your mind's eye, and then ponder with trembling those awful words which the mouth of the Truth spoke: Ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
Welcome to St. Dominic Savio Chapel, where the traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments are offered exclusively.
This is not out of nostalgia, personal preference or being "old fashioned."
Rather, we act in obedience to the infallible teachings of the Catholic Church through the ages, rejecting the errors of modernism.
Father Daniel Ahern is resident pastor of St. Dominic Savio Chapel, and also serves chapels in Norfolk, Va., and Gaylord, Mich., as well as missions in eastern Canada.
Visitors are welcome. If this is your first time attending the Tridentine Mass, or first time in a number of years, please speak to Father Ahern before receiving the Sacraments.
Offering the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments
7095 Kochville Road, Freeland, MI 49823 / 989-692-0029